THERMAL Plus monoblock heat pumps are energy efficient devices which draw energy from the air and use it to heat or cool the building and prepare heat utility water. They can be used in single-family houses as well as commercial buildings. Heiko’s heat pumps are advanced devices, which guarantee efficient and safe operation.
THERMAL Plus heat pumps are KEYMARK certified. It is a European mark confirming the conformity of products and services with European standards. Whilst the CE marking proves compliance with minimum legal requirements, KEYMARK provides the consumer with a real added value: tested and certified adherence to uniform European Quality Standards.
A product can only be KEYMARKed if it has been previously tested and certified by a neutral, independent and competent body.
Heiko heat pumps are included on the German BAFA funding list. They constitute a key element of Germany’s strategy for sustainable energy production and environmental protection. Due to their high efficiency and minimal impact on the natural environment, they present an attractive alternative to traditional heating systems based on fossil fuel combustion. Therefore, when purchasing them, one can expect attractive financial incentives from German government programs.
Thanks to the available funding programs, Germany is becoming an increasingly attractive market for the development and utilization of heat pumps. The tremendous success of the BAFA funding program only confirms this. HEIKO is a proven choice in the European market.
Hydraulic module – ALL IN ONE MONOBLOCK
The compact design of the hydraulic module with the integrated 250-litre DHW
storage tank is ready to use out of the box. No additional system components must
be purchased, and no extra installation space is required for a DHW tank. The module
enables easy and safe hydraulic connections.
Two heating circuits
A standard THERMAL Plus heat pump can be confi gured to supply different heat
loads at the same time, like a radiator space heating system and an underfl oor
heating system. With two heating circuits, the temperature in different heat loads
can be managed separately; in practical terms, different temperature settings can be
made for the radiators and the underfl oor heating.
Wide temperature range – reliable operation in all conditions
The Heiko heat pumps are reliable units which operate from -25°C outdoors and can
heat DHW to 55°C.
Wi-Fi control
The standard Wi-Fi control available improves the comfort of operating the Heiko heat
pumps. An easy and intuitive app for mobile devices lets you monitor the unit status,
display the current energy consumption, and modify the temperature settings.
Modern control panel
The integrated control panel enables easy and quick changing of operating parameters. The controller menu is available in several language versions.
Silent operation
The Heiko THERMAL Plus heat pumps have DC motor fans, a well sound-insulated refrigerant compressor, and an optimised air fan design to ensure very quiet operation already at 52 dB(A). The units can also run in a quiet mode for improved comfort at work or while resting.
Automatic weather control
The Heiko THERMAL heat pumps operate in an automatic process controlled by weather temperature curves. In practice, this means that the heat pump operation is adapted automatically to actual weather conditions without any human intervention.
Frequency converter technology
Frequency converter technology allows cost-effi cient operation of the heat pump without sudden voltage frequency surges of the compressor. This provides energyefficient and quiet operation. The units have A+++ energy rating.
Technical Data
Model HEIKO THERMAL PLUS 6 HEIKO THERMAL PLUS 9 HEIKO THERMAL PLUS 12 HEIKO THERMAL PLUS 15 HEIKO THERMAL PLUS 19 Seasonal energy efficiency class of space heating temperate climate LWT=35°C A+++ A+++ A+++ A+++ A+++ LWT=55°C A++ A++ A++ A++ A++ Rated thermal power, including rated thermal power of all auxiliary heaters temperate climate (-10°C) LWT=35°C kW 4 6 8 12 16 LWT=55°C kW 4 6 7 11 15 Seasonal energy efficiency of space heating temperate climate LWT=35°C % 186,7 187,5 185,5 196,8 190,5 LWT=55°C % 133,2 129,9 129,3 130,2 130,11 Annual energy consumption temperate climate LWT=35°C kWh 1827 2740 3225 4829 6953 LWT=55°C kWh 2809 3706 3910 7620 7750 Sound power level in the room dB(A) 44 39 44 44 44 Sound power level outdoors dB(A) 52 54 52 59 61 Special precautions Please read the installation and service instructions before installation. Please read the installation and service instructions before installation. Please read the installation and service instructions before installation. Please read the installation and service instructions before installation. Please read the installation and service instructions before installation. Electrical efficiency N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Rated thermal output, including the rated thermal output of any auxiliary heaters – cool climate. LWT=35°C kW 3 5 7 10,8 15,1 LWT=55°C kW 3 5 6 10,6 14,3 Rated thermal power, including the rated thermal power of any auxiliary heaters – warm climate. LWT=35°C kW 6 8 10 13,8 18,2 LWT=55°C kW 6 7 8 13,1 16,1 Seasonal energy efficiency of space heating – cool climate. LWT=35°C % 155 153 156 160 156 LWT=55°C % 117 105 110 115 110 Seasonal energy efficiency of space heating – warm climate. LWT=35°C % 189 192 194 196 194 LWT=55°C % 147 143 142 143 140 Annual energy consumption in terms of final energy – cool climate. LWT=35°C kWh 2071 3149 4020 7020 8825 LWT=55°C kWh 3089 4100 4112 7910 9930 Annual energy consumption in terms of final energy – warm climate. LWT=35°C kWh 1710 3094 3480 6243 8105 LWT=55°C kWh 2550 3510 3560 6913 8590 Heat pump supply V/Ph/Hz 220-240/1/50 220-240/1/50 220-240/1/50 380-420/3/50 380-420/3/50 Power supply for electric heaters V 230 400 400 400 400 Heating (LWT=35°C)
(Outdoor temperature 2°C, 85% RH, EWT 30°C, LWT 35°C)Performance kw 6,1 7,8 10,1 13,8 18,5 COP 3,8 3,87 3,9 4 4,47 Heating (LWT=35°C)
(Outdoor temperature 7°C, 85% RH, EWT 47°C, LWT 55°C)Performance kw 6,5 9,2 11,6 15,5 18,5 COP 4,61 4,38 4,3 5 4,47 Cooling (LWT=18°C)
(Outdoor temperature 35°C, EWT 23°C, LWT 18°C)Performance kw 7,45 9,5 9,8 18,6 22,5 EER 4,05 4,23 3,9 4 7,35 Cooling (LWT=7°C)
(Outdoor temperature 35°C, EWT 12°C, LWT 7°C)Performance kw 7,45 9,5 9,8 13,1 15,8 EER 4,05 4,23 3,9 3 2,94 Overcurrent protection A 25 (3F) 25 (3F) 25 (3F) 25 (3F) 25 (3F) Power supply (number of conductors x cross section) mm2 5×2,5 5×2,5 5×4 5×4 5×4 Dimensions of the indoor unit(WxHxD) net/gross mm 1740x600x675/
1900x650x750Dimensions of outdoor unit(WxHxD) net/gross mm 700x1010x440/
1500x1140x485The weight of the internal unit kg 125/135 125/135 125/135 125/135 125/135 Weight of outdoor unit kg 67/78 80/95 85/105 120/130 140/150 Compressor Type Rotary double -1 Rotary double -1 Rotary double -1 Rotary double -1 Rotary double -1 Sensors TC (system temp.), TW (DHW temp.), TV1 (first circuit temp.), TV2 (second circuit temp.), TR (room temp.) TC (system temp.), TW (DHW temp.), TV1 (first circuit temp.), TV2 (second circuit temp.), TR (room temp.) TC (system temp.), TW (DHW temp.), TV1 (first circuit temp.), TV2 (second circuit temp.), TR (room temp.) TC (system temp.), TW (DHW temp.), TV1 (first circuit temp.), TV2 (second circuit temp.), TR (room temp.) TC (system temp.), TW (DHW temp.), TV1 (first circuit temp.), TV2 (second circuit temp.), TR (room temp.) Integrated electric heater kW 3 6 6 6 6 Compressor brand Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Refrigerant Gas type/quantity kg R32/0,9 R32/1,4 R32/1,8 R32/2,55 R32/2,6 Recommended operating range Cooling °C 0 – 55 0 – 55 0 – 55 0 – 55 0 – 55 Heating °C -25 – 45 -25 – 45 -25 – 45 -25 – 45 -25 – 45 DHW °C -25 – 55 -25 – 55 -25 -55 -25 -55 -25 -55 Water-side heat exchanger Type Plate heat exchanger Plate heat exchanger Plate heat exchanger Plate heat exchanger Plate heat exchanger Water-side connection Type cal 1 1 1 G1-1/4 G1-1/4 Water pump Max. lifting height m 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 Outlet water temperature range Cooling °C 7 – 25 7 – 25 7 – 25 7 – 25 7 – 25 Heating °C 20 – 55 20 – 55 20 – 55 20 – 55 20 – 55 DHW (tank) °C 25 – 55 25 – 55 25 – 55 25 – 55 25 – 55